Integrated 2 Year Check
What is the Integrated 2 Year Check?
The integrated review is available to children between 24 and 30 months old.
It brings together the assessments given to 2-year-olds through the Department of Health’s Healthy Child Programme and the Department for Education’s early years progress check.
Health Visitors and early years professionals will share information when necessary to provide parents a better picture of their child' progress.
About the Health Visiting Service
Health Visitors aim to work with families to improve future health outcomes, and by utilising their specialist training they can provide expert information, assessment and intervention for babies, children and families including first time mothers and fathers and families with complex needs.
Find out more about what the
All About Me @ 2
The Health Visiting Teams and Early Years settings work together on the integrated check at 2 and a new process will provide parents with a seamless and comprehensive insight into their child’s health and development needs.
To help raise awareness with parent/carers, please download the .
Download the step by step guide below for Early Years Integrated Review: if you have concerns about a child after completing your check, with parents permission, you can now send information directly to the Health Visiting service via the Children's Secure Poral (Team: 2 integrated checks - relevant area).
Download: Early Years Settings - 2 Year Integrated Review (PDF)
We have also included the step by step guide for Health Visitors for your information:
Download: 2 Year Integrated Review (CNNs/HVs) (PDF)
Flowcharts of both guides are available on request from the EY Team.