The emotional environment can be described as an invisible feeling or energy that you get when entering a room. The adult role is therefore crucial in creating an emotional environment where children feel safe and secure.
Bristol early years team consider how we can support children at different ages and stages to achieve high levels of emotional wellbeing.
is a free open university course which explores attachment theory and how this impacts how we support babies and young children in an emotionally enabling environment.
The Pikler approach helps us to consider how we can build respectful relationships between adults and infants through everyday caregiver moments such as dressing, mealtimes and toileting. has collated information and research on this relationship approach to child development.
This piece of action research by Helen Gibson nursery school considers how children need adults to provide them with the space and time to create. A very inspirational read. .
For more information on the role of the adult in supporting personal, social and emotional development and as the role of a teacher, please search under the Learning and Development button.