
大秀视频 Winters Well

大秀视频 Winters Well Sign Post

大秀视频 Winters Well

Advice and support to stay physically, mentally and financially well this winter.

Stay well this winter

As the days get colder and the nights get darker, it鈥檚 important to take care of ourselves and the people we care about particularly if they are older or more vulnerable. This can be challenging when it鈥檚 cold outside and we are trying to keep the costs down inside.

Keep yourself and others healthy

Winter conditions can make some health problems worse and even lead to serious complications, especially if you are 65 or older, or if you have a long-term health condition.

It's important to get your if you're at a higher risk of getting seriously ill from these illnesses.

Help to stop the spread of winter bugs by washing your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water. It is the best way to prevent tummy bugs, COVID-19 and other winter illnesses. 

If you cannot use soap and water, wash your hands with alcohol-based hand sanitiser containing at least 70% alcohol, but it does not kill all winter bugs, such as Norovirus.

During the colder months, it鈥檚 easy to trip or fall when its icy or snowy outside. Take a look at our information on how to prevent a fall.

Try to heat the rooms you use to at least 18掳C if you can. If you can鈥檛 heat all the rooms you use, heat the living room during the day and your bedroom just before you go to sleep.

Below is a directory of council services and useful information to help keep you financially, physically and mentally well this winter. You can also read advice from the NHS and national government:

Adult social care

Get in touch for support with your health and wellbeing.

Cost of living support

Help and support with rising living costs

An easy to follow home fire safety check.

Flu and COVID 19 vaccines

Advice on information on protecting yourself and others

NHS advice on where to get medical help.

Help for families

A hub with resources to help support you and your family.

How to prevent falls

Guidance to check if you're at risk of falling, steps to look after yourself and what to do if you have a fall.

Keeping active and well in later life

Improve your strength and balance and keep active.

Loneliness and isolation

Support and simple steps to make you feel connected,

Mental health and emotional wellbeing

Self help resources and where to get help in a crisis.

From the Met Office and the UK Health Security Agency.

Warm spaces in libraries

大秀视频 Libraries are part of the Warm Welcome Network.

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