
Covering the cost of your care (Financial Assessment)

Close up of tow people holding hands sat at a table with a notepad on it

Covering the cost of your care (Financial Assessment)

We want to ensure that you have a clear understanding of the financial aspect of social care services. Unlike healthcare, social care services do involve costs.

It is important to note that you will have to pay towards your care. You will need to complete a Financial Assessment so we can calculate how much you will have to pay.

Until the assessment is completed, it will be assumed that you will pay for the full cost of your care starting from the day it begins. That鈥檚 why it鈥檚 important to complete the Financial Assessment as soon as possible.

This assessment helps us to understand your financial situation and ensures that you are not asked to pay more than you can afford. 

By completing the Financial Assessment as soon as possible, we can work together to find a fair and affordable solution for your care needs. 

Our team is here to assist you throughout this process, ensuring that you receive the care services you require while considering your financial circumstances.

What will I need to pay?

Depending on the amount of income, savings or assets you have, you may have to contribute towards some, or all, of the cost of your care and鈥痵upport.  

If you have capital or savings above the Upper Capital Limit (拢23,250)

You will be required to pay the full costs of your care and support. However, if your capital is close to this amount, please contact us to request a financial and needs assessment.

If your care and support costs are less than your assessed maximum weekly contribution

You will be required to pay for the actual costs of your care. You will pay the actual cost of your care or your assessed maximum weekly contribution, whichever is lower. Should your care increase in the future, your contribution will increase up to your maximum contribution.

You will not be asked to pay any more your assessed maximum weekly contribution.

What if I do not want to disclose my financial details?

If you do not wish to complete the Financial Assessment you will have to pay the full cost of your care.

Paying your own Care Costs (Self-funding)

If your assessment finds you are required to pay the full costs of your care or you are self-funding, we can still support you in finding and arranging care. For more information visit Paying for Care Myself

Care home and a property 

If you are moving into a care home permanently, and you own a property that is now empty, the capital in that property will be taken into account during your financial assessment.

Your Care Contribution Officer will ask you to provide details about the property and explain the possible funding arrangements, including the Deferred Payment Agreement (DPA).

However, you should always seek independent legal or financial advice before making a decision on how to use your capital assets. 

When you won't need a financial assessment 

If you receive a care service under Section 117 of the Mental Health Act 1983 a financial assessment is not needed, and you will not have to pay towards your care.

However, if only a part of your care and support is funded under Section 117, you will require a financial assessment and may have to pay towards any care and support that is not funded under Section 117.  

If your care and support service is fully paid for by the NHS under Continuing Healthcare, you will not require a financial assessment.


How is a Financial Assessment completed?

If you are assessed as having an eligible care or support need by 大秀视频 Adult Services, you will then need to have a means tested financial assessment. This is to calculate if you will be required to pay towards the costs of your care. 

Step 1

A care package is agreed, based on what is needed to support you to keep your independence for as long as possible.

Step 2

The contribution calculator is the easiest way to work out, in confidence and in your own time, how much you are able to contribute to your care.

There are two versions of the calculator, one is for non-residential care, which is care provided in your own home and by the community, and one is for residential care which is for when you are moving into a care home.

The online contribution calculator will not ask for any of your personal information such as your name and address, until you are ready to 鈥渟ubmit鈥 or send the form to the Council.

The information entered is not stored online.

All you need to do is enter details of your: 

  • details of state benefits and private income
  • details of savings, investments and capital
  • details of land and property you may own
  • details of household expenditure, for example certain bills

The calculator will then estimate the amount that you might have to pay each week towards the care you receive.

If we contact you, but you do not respond, we will take the view that you are paying the full cost of your care. Therefore, it is important that when we make contact, you respond in a timely manner.  

For further information download our Charging policy for care and support (PDF)

Step 3

Your Financial Assessment is then completed by a member of the Care Contribution Assessment Team once you have filled in the online contribution calculator. 

They will write to you or email to advise you of the result of the Financial Assessment, telling you the amount you will need to contribute.

Step 4

The easiest and safest way to pay for your care is by monthly Direct Debit. You can set up a Direct Debit online or over the phone. Paying by Direct Debit will ensure you do not miss a payment which will mean you will owe the Council money.

What if I don鈥檛 agree with the Financial Assessment?

If you feel that your assessment is incorrect, you should first contact the officer who has completed the assessment to ensure that all the details relating to your assessment are correct.

If you still think your assessment is incorrect you can request a formal reconsideration but this must be done within 3 months of the date of the decision and must be made in writing or by email to:

The Manager Care Contribution Assessment Team  
Finance Operational Services,  
County Hall  
Spetchley Road
Email: CCAAdmin@worcestershire.gov.uk

If you need to find out more about your care and support needs, get in touch via our Adult Front Door so we can signpost you to relevant services and support.

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