
Requirements for a dropped kerb

Requirements for a dropped kerb

There are minimum size and other requirements for a vehicular dropped kerb.

There are minimum size requirements for a Dropped Kerb

Diagram 1


  • (D) is less than 4.8 metres, then (W) must be greater than 6.00 metres
  • (D) is greater than 4.8 metres, then (W) must be greater than 3.00 metres

You must have an unimpeded Width (W) of 3 metres minimum and an unimpeded Depth (D) of 4.8 metres minimum. If the depth is less than 4.8 metres, but greater than 3 meters then the width must be a minimum of 6 meters, as shown in Diagram 1.

More information

Small cars

Even if your car is small, this dimension is to allow access for a family car or estate vehicle to be parked without affecting the Public Highway. In the event the vehicle is changed or the property is sold, it ensures the frontage can still support a parked vehicle without compromising the footway.

Obstructions in your parking area

If your proposed parking area has steps up to your house, a protruding cellar light, or bay window, then you will need to take account of these when submitting your measurements as part of your application.

Space to get out of a car

You should also consider whether there will be sufficient space to get in and out of the vehicle comfortably without the doors affecting the footway and a clear path to your front door.

Joint applications

We will also consider joint applications from 2 adjacent properties; however, these must be constructed simultaneously. 

Each application must be submitted separately, preferably at the same time, with a note stating that it is a joint application with the relevant neighbours house number. 

You will need to complete all necessary groundworks to your frontages and supply evidence of this prior to the crossing being installed.

Block paving or slabbing

We will only allow tarmac on the highway due to potential future repairs. 

Requests for block paving or slabbing will not be allowed.

When permission will not be granted

Whilst we will make every attempt to accommodate the installation there are several situations where we will not grant permission. 

These relate to where the proposed access:

  • cannot achieve the minimum visibility requirements
  • affects a pedestrian crossing area, controlled or otherwise
  • crosses a wide verge, or "amenity area"
  • compromises a designated parking bay or layby area
  • requires an amendment to a Traffic Regulation Order for example, school or controlled crossing zig zags, traffic calming measures, or limited waiting/ residents parking bays
  • is higher or lower than the road resulting in a slope greater than 8%
  • affects, or is near a radius (where two roads meet, joined by a curve) or junction to another road
  • where the supplied dimensions and physical restrictions to your frontage, suggest that the vehicle is to be parked parallel* to the footway, requiring numerous manoeuvres to park the vehicle using the footway to do so (see Diagram 2 below) 
  • where the crossing will affect, or have an impact on highway trees
  • where the requested dropped kerb does not form part of a vehicular access
  • where the requested dropped kerb is closer than 15 meters to a junction

*Please note: parallel parking may be considered if the Width (W) of property is at least twice the required minimum as per Diagram 1 above.

Allowed parking



Diagram 2

The parking shown above is not supported, unless the property width exceeds 6 metres and the depth exceeds 3 metres. 

Safe parking requires easy access to the space without numerous manoeuvres in the highway which could compromise pedestrian safety and cause damage to the footway. 



Diagram 3

The two types of parking shown above are fully supported. 

The parked vehicle must not encroach onto the footway. Where gates are to be installed, these must open inwards and you should therefore allow additional Depth (D) for this operation. Similarly where the access serves a garage, you must make allowances for the doors.

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