Highway Extent enquiry

Highway Extent enquiry

Learn what a Highway Extent enquiry is, and how to apply for one.

Please note: we are currently experiencing a higher volume of standard enquiries on our portal, and there is currently a significant waiting list which may result in delays in receiving enquiries, currently standing at minimum 50 working days response. All plans supplied will be password protected.

What is a Highway Extent enquiry?

A Highway Extent enquiry gives information about the extent of the highway that is maintained at public expense by the Council. This can include the carriageway, footway, grass verges and unmade surfaces adjacent to roads as well as areas of land. The motorway and trunk road network is the responsibility of , all enquiries regarding motorways and trunk roads should be directed to them.

You will be asked to identify the property or land in question, highlighted on a plan which will need to be uploaded and submitted with your application. Payment is taken at the point of order via debit or credit card.

The cost of a Highway Extent enquiry is £80.50, this is for producing one A4 plan at a scale of 1:1250 or 1:2500. Please ensure your plan size selected is appropriate to the size of the land/property to be researched.

If you are in any doubt about the size of the plan required, please contact us before submitting your enquiry. Failure to do so may result in delays to you receiving the results.

A refund will be available at this point if you decide not to proceed with the enquiry.

Please note: some older browsers may not process the secure payment, we recommend you use the browsers Chrome or Microsoft Edge.

For your additional information, our current standard Highway Extents fees for ´óÐãÊÓƵ will be increased from 1 April 2024 to:

A4 - £80.50; A3 - £157.50; A2 - £283.00; A1 - £363.00 and A0 - £475.50

Our Expedited Service offered for the more urgent extent responses within 48 working hours will be increased from 1 April 2024 to:

A4 - £120.75; A3 - £236.25; A2 - £424.50; A1 - £544.50 and A0 - £713.25

Important Notice

The Highway Extents on any supplied plans are based on the currently available evidence and can be subject to change. The Council believe the information supplied to be correct at the time of issue. 

The Highway Extent information shown on any supplied plan is given only with respect to the area defined by the enquiry to which the plan relates and can only be used in connection with that enquiry.

Any reproduction of any supplied plan may result in distortions in scale. 

Any measurements taken from any supplied plan, or any reproduction of that plan may not match the same features on the ground.

Expedited service for Highways Limits

We now offer an expedited service for Highways Limits. If you require this service we will attempt to return all enquiries within 48 working hours if for reasons beyond our control this cannot be achieved within the 48 hours a full refund of the extra fee will be made. The expedited fee will be 50% of our current fees as set out below.

Please note that from 1 April 2022, our standard fees for Highways Extent information (excluding Trunk Road and Motorways) will be increasing as follows, (based on plan size): 

  • A4 - £80.50
  • A3 - £157.50
  • A2 - £283.00
  • A1 - £363.00
  • A0 - £475.50

Expedited enquiries will be:

  • A4- £120.75
  • A3 - £236.25
  • A2 - £424.50
  • A1 - £544.50
  • A0 - £713.25

Contact Highways Extent

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