Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)
How people in hospitals or care homes who lack the capacity to consent to certain treatments are protected.
DoLS ensures people who are 18 years or over, who cannot consent to their care arrangements in a care home or hospital are protected if those arrangements deprive them of their liberty.
This happens if
- the person lacks the mental ability to make decisions on their living and care arrangements
- they need to be under continuous supervision so that they are at reduced risk of harm
An example would be stopping a person leaving a care home because they may get hurt.
A managing authority which is a care home or hospital can apply for DoLS.
A new portal is in place from the 3rd June 2024. The first time you log in after that date to complete a form for DoLS, you will be asked to register for a unique account which allows you to view and download submitted forms. The submitted forms will be kept for 30 days and you will be able to access and download them during that time.